Addicted to Black
So today, whilst off work, I decided to try and find some kind of decent outfit for the Christmas party. Ironic eh? Off work sick, thinking I'd quite like to NOT ever go back to work, yet I'm picking out an outfit for the work Christmas do. Hmmm. I digress...
Whilst surfing some of my favourite clothing websites, I saw a pair of skinny jeans in black in the TALL section. For £10. Pretty much a miracle my friends. When you have legs like a giraffe, its kinda impossible to find jeans or trousers for less than £40. Plus I already have skinny jeans in dark blue, so I think black ones is a good addition to my wardrobe (which needs serious work by the way).
Then on the same site, I came across a black belted top that I just love. And which I hope would look good on me because I have a small waist and a tum that could do with disguising every now and then.
Then I think to myself, what would look good with black skinny jeans? Why, black calf boots of course! Flat ones preferably because of my lack of co-ordination in walking in anything but trainers at the moment.
So I have black boots, black top, and black skinny jeans. Noticing a theme here? I can't help it!! People keep telling me to wear more colourful stuff...
Can someone please tell me that it's a massive faux par to wear all black? Or else, figure out some way I can colourfully accessorise this? I like black stuff too much!! I don't claim to have a clue how to dress myself really.