Its funny to think that so many people read my blog. I wonder why you guys read it? Or who you are? How you found me? What you think about my ramblings? I know my mum reads my blog because I gave her the link and she said that she read my blog to find out more about how my hospital appointment went. I wonder if she got anything new out of it, haha.
So why don't you comment already? Go on, I dares ya! Now my Twinny has gone to Australia for 2 months I'll be commentless...
And to give this post a bit of substance rather than just nonsense, on the health front I'm feeling much less achy than I was. It's still there, but its no where near as bad. However, I'm having other adverse reactions to my tablets. I have to now make the decision as to whether I go back to the GP who misdiagnosed me, or wait until I've managed to register with the new one. I'm thinking the latter. I really don't want to go back to those nincompoops in my old doctors surgery.